
A source of great encouragement to the young people is having someone who takes a personal interest in their lives. 

Sponsoring a Child

By linking with or sponsoring a child, you can write to or email them, pray for them regularly, and send birthday and Christmas cards.
In return, you will receive photos, progress reports and cards/letters.
Child that can be sponsored

Sponsoring a child in the Home

Rehoboth’s Children’s Home offers a Christian home for children and young people from 5 years of age. The residents live in separate girls’ and boys’ houses and attend local schools; they have the opportunity to take up vocational, diploma or degree courses at college or university, too.
Sponsors may be able to contribute to the costs of an individual’s support. The actual costs vary depending on various factors.
Sponsors are not expected to cover the full cost of the support. As there is no fixed amount for sponsorship, people can give, as they are able; some young people may have more than one sponsor.

REAP sponsorship

Educational Assistance (REAP)

Sponsoring REAP students is no different to sponsoring a child in the home, apart from the fact that they are still living with their families.

The sponsorship goes towards providing for their educational expenses such as college tuition fees, school contributions, uniform, school supplies, allowance and transport. Monitoring attendance and progress with their schools and colleges, and giving tutorials where possible.

Cooking at home

Independent Living Programme (ILP)

(ILP) began to provide older residents (18+) with the opportunity to live more independently as they finish their studies and prepare for life outside Rehoboth.

They remain living locally, enabling them to access support from our staff when needed.

What happens to the financial support?

Any financial support made is not given directly to the sponsored child; rather, it contributes to the general fund and in this way, we can ensure the needs for all children at Rehoboth are met. 

How can I sponsor a child?

Please complete your details

What happens next?

Once you have completed your details, we will do our best to provide a suitable child for you to sponsor.

The next stage is we send you our sponsorship guidelines, standing order form and information about the child, usually with photograph and introductory letter.

Thank you for your interest in considering sponsoring a child.